Isabella Argosino



My name is Argo


I’m a Manila-based word nerd and content strategist who loves working with creativity-, sustainability-, and social impact-driven brands. 


I’d love to wax poetic about how I became a writer, but…

I didn’t get into writing because a pencil gravitated towards my hand like Thor’s hammer. I simply grew up fascinated by books, and how phrases could weave entire worlds. Beyond leisure, words evolved into a means to move people and shape their political votes, responsible purchases, and the way they treat other human beings.  

So I got writing, and the rest is history.


As a writer…

Story-telling is my second nature, and I’ve covered numerous topics — from skincare advice and the psychology behind Trump's #MAGA brand, to cybersecurity trends and Travel Tips for White Backpackers With Orientalist Fantasies (satire, don’t worry).

I’ve also got a degree in captions and can get your point across in 280 Twitter characters or less.


As an editor…

I appreciate the gung-ho charm of a bathroom stall love letter, but I can’t promise I won’t whip out a Sharpie to fill in a missing comma. Also, the em dash is my best friend — but second only to my golden retriever named Binky.

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As a content strategist…

I’m happiest when I work with brands to craft truly meaningful narratives. Using a combination of elbow grease and heart, I can help you create a strategy that will actually resonate with your audience.


As a project manager…

I speak fluent Slack, Asana, and the occasional meme to boost team morale. I've produced countless briefs, and overseen projects from inception to completion. Liking people has always been mandatory, as I’ve dealt with a diverse cast of characters — be it clients, fellow creatives, or Boomers who say “The Google.”

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And when I’m not busy hammering away at my keyboard?

Well, you can probably find me in the nearest coffee shop, dance floor, or airport — trying to inject as much life into my days as I do on paper.


Interested in collaborating?

Leave a message after the beep.
